We're building our Exchange 2013 environment now and have a burning need to see what our users mailboxes look like, in terms of the space they consume.
This little script did the trick for us and helped us plan our new information store layout.
Add-PSSnapin *exchange*
$users = Get-ADUser -searchbase "DC=somedomain,DC=com" -Filter * -Properties department $report = @() $count = $users.count $i = 0 foreach ($user in $users) { $i++ $prog = ($i/$count) * 100 Write-Progress -Activity "Processing..." -percentcomplete $prog -CurrentOperation $user.samaccountname $temp = ""| select Person, mailboxsize, itemcount, Team, Function $mailboxstats = Get-MailboxStatistics $user.samaccountname $temp.person = $user.samaccountname $temp.mailboxsize = $mailboxstats.totalitemsize.value.toMB() $temp.itemcount = $mailboxstats.itemcount $temp.team = $user.department $report += $temp } $report |
Should be pretty self explanatory. Ask a question in the comments if you'd like clarification of anything.