So check out the attached event description.
This one was a lot more difficult than others in the series
and not just because to test your script you needed a domain to test on!
They’re handling security issues, talking to DHCP, renaming
PCs and joining them to domains!
What I saw in this event was bit scary from a security point
of view. Many, many scripts with usernames and passwords hardcoded, sitting
there in plain text! The justification being “well the instruction was to do
that, so it’s ok”. But really credentials in plaintext is NEVER ok! The line
has to be somewhere and if it’s not going to be with the boss dishing out the
requirements it’s got to be with the guys doing the work! Just take the time
and get this stuff right, how do we win over the Bash community if we’re
hardcoding credentials into our scripts?
So this was my solution;
$macs = Get-Content c:\macs.txt
$ips = @()
$i = 1
Read-Host 'Please press ENTER to supply the credentials to use on the local
| Out-Null
$localcred = get-credential
$localadmin = $localcred.UserName
$localpassword = $localcred.getnetworkcredential().Password
read-host "Please press ENTER to supply Domain Admin credentials" | Out-Null
$admincred = get-credential
$domainadmin = $admincred.UserName
$domainpassword = $admincred.getnetworkcredential().Password
$Domain = "company.local"
$ou = ""
foreach ($mac in $macs)
$ips += Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -cn DHCP1 -ScopeId | where {$_.clientId -eq $mac} | Select-Object ipaddress
foreach ($ip in $ips)
$name = "SERVER"+$i
$pc = Get-WmiObject -computername $ip.ipaddress -class "win32_ComputerSystem" -credential $localcred -Authentication 6
Write-Host "Renaming "$ip.IPAddress "to $name"
$pc.rename($name, $localpassword, $localadmin)
Restart-Computer -wait -ComputerName $ip.IPAddress
Write-Host "Joining " $ip.IPAddress " to
$pc.JoinDomainorWorkGroup($Domain, $domainpassword, $domainadmin, $ou, 3)
Restart-Computer -ComputerName $ip.IPAddress
You’ll see that at the top of the script we’re asking for
credentials from the user and use them in the loop for renaming machines and
joining them to the domain. The way we’re capturing them is a bit clunky but this
way we’re not storing credentials anywhere. Ok we’re storing them in RAM while
the script runs if you want to be pedantic. This is probably one of the more
secure methods that was used in Basic Event 6 and that makes me sad.
The rest is pretty self-explanatory. I hooked into WMI and
used the JoinDomainorWorkGroup method and again I discovered I was doing things
the hard way. There’s a powershell commandlet called add-computer that probably
could have done the job.
What I’m noticing about researching things in powershell is
that a lot of the blog posts that you find while googling for answers are written
for powershell 1 or 2. We’re up to powershell 3 now and 4 is coming with server
2012 R2. There’s lots of new features and commands added each release so things
are becoming easier but the knowledge of the “old ways” is still out there
online kind of clogging up the ease of use.
The Powershell community needs to create a good way for the
novices to find the quickest and easiest solutions to their scripting
challenges. The Scripting Games has been a great way to do that. Not sure how
well that would scale to millions of scripters but it’ll do for now!
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